“One Amazing Ball of Learning” —Faith Rush, University of Akron, class of 2022
Maggie M. Williams, June 9, 2022.
#WeAreWorkers: Why Faculty Should Support the GWC-UAW Local 2110 Strike
Maggie M. Williams, March 27, 2021.
“Burn Something”
Gabby Coll, November 12, 2020.
Growing Up in the Shadow of the Mountain
Rachel Dressler, August 10, 2020.
HIStory not My story
Zaina Siraj, May 19, 2020.
Bootstrapping the Soft History of Female Subjecthood in the Middle Ages
Alicia Walker, April 16, 2020.
Untangling the Myth of Linguistic Purity in the Medieval Classroom
Sharon Rhodes, December 16, 2019.
Don’t Mourn, Organize!
Maggie M. Williams, November 6th, 2019.
Ten Proposals for a More Ethical Art History: an undergraduate perspective
Emily Clark, June 19, 2019.
Collaboration and Cowboys: Community-Based Engaged Art History in the Classroom
Jennifer Borland and Louise Siddons, March 25, 2019
The Urgent Case for Teaching Yemeni Art History
Lily V. Filson, February 8, 2019.
Collections-based Teaching and Social Justice
Jennifer Kingsley, January 9, 2019.
Teaching Beyond the Borders of Medieval Art
Alexa Sand, November 28, 2018
Calling All Art History Teachers!
Maggie M. Williams, October 1, 2018
Towards the Ethical Practice of Art History
Karen Overbey, August 31, 2018
No Comment
Maggie M. Williams, July 30, 2018
Conference Review: The Art of the Poor
Reflections on Kalamazoo 2018
Maggie M. Williams, May 17, 2018
Open Letter to the Met RE: Admissions Policy
Asa Mittman, February 5, 2018
Slow Down!
Emma Bergman, Jennifer Borland, Nancy Thompson, December 19, 2017
Medieval Studies in the Age of Trump
Maggie M. Williams,
Teaching Medieval Art History in a Time of White Supremacy
Luke A. Fidler, August 12, 2017
“Celtic” Crosses and White Supremacism
D(r)ipping Books
Dr. Tina Bawden, J
The Dinner Party: Invitations Long Overdue
The Material Collective,
Severed Heads, Abnormal Sights, and Perplexity
Off the Cuff
Asa Mittman, September 15, 2016
“If Everyone is Special, Then No One Is”: Medieval Manuscripts for the Masses
Martha Easton,
#Kzoo 2016
Maggie M. Williams,
#ArtHistoryEngaged at SECAC 2015 and CAA 2016!
Jennifer Borland,
BABEL 2015: Off The Books Wrapup
Union Yes!
Maggie M. Williams,
Competition or Collaboration?
Rachel Dressler,
Michon Weeks, Wheel Within a Wheel
Nancy Thompson,
A Quick Guide to CAA’s Quick Guide to “Best Practices in Fair Use”
Asa Mittman,
Surface and Substance
Kerr Houston,
Scale and the Challenge of Sand
Collaborating at Babel 2014: Thinking Collectively about the Atlantic
Becoming Ocean: BABEL 2014 at UC-Santa Barbara
What Would You Save from a Burning Museum? Thoughts Upon Reading “The Goldfinch”
Working Practice
Jennifer Borland and Karen Overbey,
Keep Things Strange
Joy Partridge, June 6, 2014
Collective Thoughts on Collaboration
“From which it was carved”: Medieval Ivories and the Residue of Violence
Kerr Houston, December 2, 2013
Maggie M. Williams,
Post-Mortem on an Undead Exhibition: “Art That Kills”
The Mechanics of Being Holy [i, ii, iii]
Asa Mittman, Karen Overbey, and Samantha Langsdale, October 18, 2013
Martha Easton,
Italian Painters of the Renaissance: A Poem
Marian Bleeke, July 17, 2013
MC in the Midwest
Jennifer Borland,
Feeling Cheesy
Marking Time
Collecting Material
Maggie M. Williams,
On Being in Love with Concrete, Wood, Water, Stone, Glass
Some Thoughts About Things
Nancy Thompson,
The Doge and I
Karl Whittington,
Refinding Florence
Asa Mittman, January 19, 2013
In Search of Lost Time
On Feminism and Materiality
Marian Bleeke,
On Speculative Touch
Anne Harris,
Angst in the A.M.
The Eyes of a Scholar, the Eyes of a Believer
On the Hunterian Museum, London
Thoughts on Vibrant Materiality: Finding Meaning in my Secular World
Nancy Thompson,