Laura Molina

Born 1957, Los Angeles, CA

Laura Molina is a visual and performing artist living in Los Angeles. Molina studied acting and stagecraft at the Inner-City Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1979 and was accepted into the Character Animation Program at the California Institute of the Arts the same year. She was an Artist-in-Residence at Self Help Graphics from 1993-95 and participated in their Screen Print Atelier in 2003 and 2006.

La Novia (waiting for my love), 2003
Collection of The Hispanic Research Center Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona USA

She has participated in several group shows at Galeria de la Raza, San Francisco, Self Help Graphics and the Millard Sheets Gallery, Los Angeles, California, the Mesa Southwest Museum, Mesa, Arizona, and the National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, Illinois. Molina’s works can be both personal and political. In many of her pieces, her own image is an important part of the subject matter.
